Co-Creating a Thriving Region for People and Nature

The mission of the Metro Denver Nature Alliance (Metro DNA) is to align nature-based efforts to ensure more equitable access to nature and to promote healthy people, communities, and natural places.

Biannual Partner Meeting

Friday October 18, 2024

Lowry Conference Center
1061 Akron Way, Denver, CO 80230

We hope you are able to join us as we familiarize our partners with the process for the Regional Vision for People and Nature project and introduce the facilitation team from Keystone Policy Center!

Keystone Policy Center Selected for Regional Vision Project

The Metro Denver Nature Alliance Executive and Steering Committees are pleased to announce that Keystone Policy Center has been selected to co-create our Regional Vision for People and Nature!

Metro DNA has been awarded a grant from the Colorado Outdoor Regional Partnerships Initiative, facilitated by Colorado Parks and Wildlife. This funding aims to bolster both new and ongoing regional partnerships that align with the Colorado Outdoor Partnership's (CO-OP) statewide vision and the goals of the Regional Partnerships Initiative (RPI).

With Keystone’s support, our Regional Vision for People and Nature will ultimately represent a shared set of community goals, principles, and/or priorities guiding regional conservation and program investments in the Denver metropolitan region. Its purpose is to bring leadership in the region together to leverage our commitment to conservation in ways that ensure equitable access to the recreational and other benefits of nature for people, while simultaneously protecting the ecological and habitat values of our natural environment.

Sign up for our newsletter below to learn about opportunities to contribute to this impactful opportunity!

We Value People & Nature

On March 21, 2019, the Metro DNA Steering Committee adopted a set of Equity Principles and Commitments. These principles and commitments help guide our work, expand our collaborative conservation network, and govern the projects we undertake in partnership.

  • Metro DNA acknowledges a broad definition of nature that embraces a diverse range of landscapes and nature-based experiences. Metro DNA is committed to fostering mutual respect for the many ways that people connect with, define, and engage with nature

  • Metro DNA strives to reduce barriers that prevent equitable access to outdoor spaces, decision making processes, and other resources related to engagement in nature and the outdoors. We commit to working to reduce these barriers by supporting community voice in Metro DNA and partner projects, encouraging partners to engage in working toward equity in their own organizations, and bringing grassroots and institutional organizations together to collaborate inauthentically building toward the Metro DNA vision together

  • Metro DNA strives to build a leadership team and network of partners that is representative of the Metro Denver Area. We are committed to creating an environment that is equitably inclusive, safe, supportive, and free of harassment, prejudice, and discrimination.

  • Metro DNA recognizes the presence of historical and institutional barriers that have been in place and disproportionally affect under-resourced communities based on race, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, class, disability status, geography, age and other identity factors.

    Metro DNA is committed to reducing institutional barriers that impact access to nature and participation in nature-based work by deeply listening to marginalized voices, leading and participating in projects aimed at barrier reduction, and creating opportunities for growth and learning regarding equity in the outdoors for Metro DNA partners.

  • Metro DNA acknowledges the inequalities of power and privilege that shape our current systems. Metro DNA is committed to supporting leaders in better identifying, talking productively about, and addressing the many types of disparities and their consequences.

  • Metro DNA is committed to the responsible and ethical use of all data and information gathered for collaborative projects. The data will be used to increase equitable access and participation in nature and the outdoors and collected in ways that uplift people with marginalized identities.

Our Projects

  • Regional Equity Assessment

    Transforming access to nature in the region through a vision rooted in equity and conservation. Explore the Six Dimensions of Equity in Nature and be part of this transformative journey.

  • Regional Conservation Assessment

    Addressing the challenges of rapid growth, protecting vital lands, and the balance between urban development and nature. Learn how Colorado's rapid urban growth impacts our natural environment.

  • Regional Vision Demonstration Projects

    Metro DNA is offering funding for projects that enhance habitat protection, equitable access to nature, and community well-being. Explore our funding criteria and see if your project qualifies for funding.

Join Our Alliance

Metro DNA sends periodic newsletters with updates about meetings, projects and community involvement. Sign up here to learn more!